First Grade
Curriculum Guidelines – 1st Grade
English Language Arts
Social Studies
The early elementary years expand on the foundation built in our pre-kindergarten grades. More formal instruction is introduced and regular assessments at the end of units are administered to track a student’s academic progress. Balanced Literacy is Continued emphasis is placed on developing the students into contributing members in their church community through our GO Program focused on service learning. The classes are self-contained with one teacher. The children attend P.E. on a daily basis. Library, art, and music classes are held weekly. Computer and Drama classes are attended quarterly. Spanish is taught twice per week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
English Language Arts
- Implement Balanced Literacy using Fountas and Pinnell Classroom.
- Apply background knowledge to understand settings, problems and characters.
- Introduce and apply comprehension strategies including main idea, inferences, cause and effect and compare and contrast to strengthen reading skills.
- Introduce and apply various spelling patterns including short and long vowels, blends and digraphs.
- Apply knowledge of grammar skills and sentence structure as they implement the writing process to create a variety of written publications.
- Understand the meanings, uses and representations of numbers.
- Apply algebraic reasoning skills to solve addition and subtraction problems.
- Use various problem solving skills to solve word problems.
- Interpret data from various types of graphs.
- Apply skip counting skills to count coins.
- Identify characteristics of 2-D and 3-D shapes.
- Identify, write and create fractions from one-fourth to a whole.
- Observe weather using senses and simple tools.
- Identify the uses of various types of energy including light and sound.
- Explore the features of the planet including different landforms.
- Describe plant and animal life cycles.
Social Studies
- Understand their roles and responsibilities of being a good citizen.
- Explain how people and events shape history.
- Compare how different locations affect the way people live.
- Discuss beginning economics including goods, services, needs and wants.
- Learn and recite Catholic prayers and demonstrate reverence during prayer and Mass.
- Learn and develop character traits including compassion, cooperation and honesty.
- Learn the history of various Catholic Saints.
- Understand and retell Biblical stories.
- Eighth Grade Prayer Partners.
- Go Project.
- Demonstrate proficiency of basic vocabulary previously covered.
- Exposure to the Spanish language through songs, stories, games, pictures, and group activities.
- Build vocabulary through thematic units.
- Explore beginning, basic grammar concepts.
- Identify and read beginning sounds and syllables.
- Exposure to a variety of Hispanic cultural events, centered around holidays and cultural customs.
- Make comparisons between English and Spansih and between cultures creating cultural awareness, mutual respect and tolerance.