Seventh Grade
Curriculum Guidelines – 7th Grade
English Language Arts
Social Studies
Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades have eight different classes each day with a separate teacher for each subject. Furthermore, throughout the middle school years, teachers help students with social and organizational skills, in addition to the accelerated academic information. We have a multi-material approach to instruction that encourages group work, collaboration, and an experiential approach to instruction along with the traditional school program. In addition to regularly scheduled P.E. and Spanish classes, students have a quarterly arts rotation which includes art, music, drama, and computer. Students attend Spanish twice weekly, with one of the three sections of Spanish offered for those students who are Spanish speakers. Students also have elective classes two days per week.
- Composition in multiple genres
- Literary texts – fiction and poetry
- Informational texts
- Argumentative texts
- Correspondence – business and friendly letter
- Opinion article
- Develop drafts and revise using the writing process
- Research process for a variety of projects
- Develop foundational language skills – Grammar practice, Vocabulary practice
- Read multiple genres, analyzing plot, theme, characters, and setting
- Respond to texts, citing text evidence. Write about explicit or implicit meaning of texts
- Study author’s purpose and craft
- Genre study – mystery/suspense and dystopia
- Operations of Fractions, Decimals, Integers, and Expressions
- Solving Equations and Inequalities
- Rates Ratios Proportions Probability
- Geometry integrating Algebra
- Statistics
- Dimensional Analysis
- Identify and describe cell organelles in plants and animals
- Describe the structure and functions of systems of the human body
- Define heredity and compare results of offspring from sexual and asexual reproduction.
- Investigate variations in plants and identify structures that enhance a plant’s survival.
- Classify organisms
- Identify and describe the parts of an ecosystem
- Investigate and explain changes in ecosystems as a result of natural and catastrophic events and human activities.
- Compare features of species that enhance survival and identify changes in generations due to natural selection and selective breeding.
Social Studies
- Texas History and Geography
- Texas Indians
- Texas Explorers
- Missions and Settlements
- Mexican Texas
- Texas Revolution
- Republic of Texas
- Texas Declaration and New Constituition
- Civil War
- Reconstruction
- New Centruy-1900’s
- Learn and recite Catholic prayers and demonstrate reverence during prayer and Mass
- The seventh-grade program is devoted to the study of God’s saving love as it is revealed through his Son, Jesus. Jesus the Way, the Truth, and the Life is designed to help young adolescents grow in their knowledge of Jesus, that they may love him more ardently and serve him more generously
- 7th grade covers the second half of Spanish 1.
- In depth review of vocabulary and grammar concepts covered Elementary School.
- Vocabulary and grammar concepts are expanded upon.
- Learn strategies to assist in building vocabulary.
- Continue to build upon the foundation of oral and written communication in alignment with the national standards set by ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages).
- Develop cultural awareness as we explore Hispanic Countries and their culture.
- Make connections between Spanish and other subjects to enhance their knowledge.