Family Handbooks


Family Handbook

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Guidance Program

Parent’s Guide to Assessment, Grading, & Report Cards

Parent’s Guide to Understanding the PK3, PK4, and Kinder Report Cards

Understanding Standards Based Assessment and Grading and 1st and 2nd Grade Report Cards

Discipline Handbook

Brand Standards Manual

The contents of the handbooks are essential parts of the contract between families and St. Cecilia Catholic School. The students are expected to become familiar with the policies and regulations of the school, which are all intended to be a positive and motivating part of your children’s education. The enrollment of a student at St. Cecilia Catholic School is considered to be an agreement on the part of a student and his/her parents/guardians that they will comply with all the school procedures, rules, and regulations as set forth in these handbooks. The school and/or Principal retain the right to amend, suspend, or add new rules or guidelines for just cause. The Principal reserves the right to waive and/or deviate from any and all disciplinary regulations for just cause at their discretion. Parents will be given prompt notification if changes are made. Please note that any new policy from the Archdiocese of Galveston Houston or the Catholic Schools Office supersedes the policies set forth in these handbooks.