Pre-Kindergarten 4
Curriculum Guidelines – PK3 and PK4
Follow the Texas Preschool Guidelines
Our Pre-Kindergarten years focus on the teaching of social and moral values. Academics are introduced through thematic units and learning centers that incorporate seasonal and civic themes. We also incorporate Daily 5 and Handwriting Without Tears in our curriculum. There is one teacher and one assistant for each class. Together, they provide opportunities for the students to learn to be social and independent. The children also learn routines, how to follow expectations,, share and take turns. Children have formal art instruction, computers, music, and drama weekly that rotates on a quarterly basis. Children attend Spanish class and PE twice weekly.
English Language Arts
- Mastery of letters, recognition of upper/lower case letters, letter/sound recognition
- Phonetic writing, poetry, rhyming
- Sequential order, recalling details from stories and retelling stories.
- Fine motor skills include: writing names, correct letter formation, and appropriate usage of scissors, glue and pencils.
- Counting up to 50 is the goal however, we challenge our students to count up to 100
- Identify numerals 1-20 out of order, write numbers 1-20 correctly
- Counting to 100 by 5s and 10s
- Conceptual understanding of more/less/equal
- Identify colors/shapes, sorting, copy and extend patterns
- Positional words and calendar (days of week, months of year).
Science/Social Studies
- Various thematic units centered around seasons and holidays
- Perform simple investigations
- Describe observations and predict outcomes
- Use tools and materials to measure compare; sort
- Demonstrate understanding of healthy behaviors
- Weather; sea animals; dinosaurs; care of living things;
- State and national Pledge of Allegiance; symbols of state and nation
- Community helpers
- Customs and celebrations around the world, including Texas
- Understand their roles and responsibilities of being a good citizen
- Acknowledge God as our ever-present creator.
- Discover and show respect for the beauty of God’s creations.
- Recognize God’s love for us through our caring family and community.
- Learn and recite basic Catholic prayers; proper gestures and reverence during prayer and Mass.
- Listen, read, and recognize Bible stories that teaches us how to be kind, loving and helpful.
- Exposure to the Spanish language through songs, stories, games, pictures, and group activities.
- Build vocabulary through thematic units.
- Explore beginning, basic grammar concepts.
- Exposure to a variety of Hispanic cultural events, centered around holidays and cultural customs.
- Make comparisons between English and Spansih and between cultures creating cultural awareness, mutual respect and tolerance.