St. Cecilia Catholic School strives for excellence in the health and safety of our students, faculty, staff, parents, and visitors. Our goal is to maintain a safe environment to prevent illness and injury, provide competent care for injuries and illnesses by a well-trained staff, and care for our student’s needs to make them successful in meeting their learning potential. Our diligence regarding health and wellness allows students to maximize their time in school and gives us the opportunity to sustain the ongoing health education of our community.
When To Keep Students Home From School
Keeping students healthy and productive is a priority. Please keep your child home if they have the following symptoms:
- Discharge from the eye. May return with a physician’s note documenting no longer contagious.
- Head lice. May return when lice and nit free as determined by school nurse.
- Skin lesions that are oozing. May return if covered and determined to be noninfectious by a physician.
- Other symptoms suggestive of an acute illness. May return when symptom free.
- Rash of unknown etiology. May return when determined to be non-infectious by a physician.