
St. Cecilia Catholic School’s commitment is to keep carpool safe for students and efficient for parents.

General Carpool Safety:

  • Please remember to always follow the teachers’ instructions for the safety of the students.
  • All students must exit the car from the sidewalk side. No students are allowed between cars at any time. All vehicles should be in PARK when unloading.
  • Please refrain from using cell phones during carpool drop off or pick up. No driving with small children on your lap. No children leaning out of windows.
  • For all afternoon pick-up: buckle little ones in AFTER in a parking spot that doesn’t block the line.

Maps and Instructions

Morning Drop-Off: Early Arrival (7:00AM – 7:35AM)

  • Map
  • Early Arrival: 7:00AM-7:30AM, outside the gate to the school field.
  • Any students (not just HOV) can be dropped off during the Early Arrival time.
  • PK3-5th grade Students who arrive for Early Arrival will go to the Cafeteria, and be monitored by staff, and organized by grade level from 7:00AM – 7:30AM.
  • 6th-8th grade students who arrive for Early Arrival will go to the Auditorium and will be monitored by staff from 7:00AM-7:30AM.

Morning Carpool – HOV (7:35AM – 7:55AM)

  • Map
  • HOV Morning Carpool is from 7:35AM to 7:55AM
  • Only HOV and HOV-Auction may use the front office entrance/teacher lot after 7:35AM.
  • School starts at 7:55AM. Cars who are not in the parking lot at 7:55AM will need to get checked in at the desk at the front of the school and receive a tardy slip.

Morning Carpool – Main Church / Community Center Parking Lot Drop-Off (7:35AM – 7:55AM)

  • Map
    Community Center Drop-Off is from 7:35AM to 7:55AM.
  • Parents will enter the parking lot from Denise Dr. – coming from Bunker Hill only. Please do not come down Denise Dr. from Magdalene Dr. All cars will then continue along the sidewalk toward the Community Center, and then exit onto Joan of Arc Dr.
  • For the safety of all of our students, please do not drop off any other area in the parking lot or on the street.
  • Cars must pull all of the way to the Community Center regardless of the number of cars in the line. No cars may enter the line from Joan of Arc Dr.
  • School starts at 7:55AM. Cars who are not in the parking lot at 7:55AM will need to get checked in at the desk at the front of the school and receive a tardy slip.

*Any cars already in the parking lot at 7:55AM will be unloaded however, students not in their classroom at 7:55AM will still be marked tardy even if they unloaded in the parking lot. *

Morning Carpool – PK3 OLDEST AND ONLY Community Center Drop-Off (7:55AM-8:00AM)

  • Students with a pink Oldest and Only tag (only in PK3) may arrive to the parking lot starting at 7:55AM to help with assisting the younger students at arrival.
  • We will unload only those students with a pink tag from the Community Center during this time. All others will be redirected to the front of the building for a tardy slip.
  • Cars not in the parking lot at 8:00AM will need to go to the front of the school for a tardy slip.

Afternoon Pick-Up – Early Dismissal for Oldest / Only (Community Center)

  • Map
  • Early Dismissal Pick-Up takes place in the main Church / Community Center parking lot.
  • Early Dismissal For Oldest / Only Pick-Up for PK3, PK4, and Kindergarten is 3:05PM.
  • Parents will enter the parking lot for Early Dismissal pickup of PK3, PK4, and Kindergarten from Denise Dr. only.
  • No cars for Early Dismissal pickup may enter the parking lot from Joan of Arc Dr.
  • All Early Dismissal cars will exit onto Joan of Arc Dr. after pickup.
  • Remaining students will stay in their homerooms to be dismissed at the regular carpool.
  • Students will be assigned to exit the school building and go to a specific numbered cone. Parents will be directed to that cone to pick-up.

Afternoon Pick-Up – HOV (Begins at 3:25PM)

  • Map
  • Afternoon HOV Pick-Up begins at 3:25PM.
  • HOV students will be dismissed from their classrooms to the 4th Grade hallway.
  • They will wait in the hallway until their HOV carpool number is called.
  • HOV students will then exit the field gate to their vehicle.
  • Please note the HOV line faces west on Joan of Arc Dr.
  • Please leave the church circle drive free for non-carpool traffic.

Afternoon Pick-Up – Community Center (Begins at 3:25PM)

  • Map
  • Afternoon Church / Community Center Parking Lot Pick-Up begins at 3:25PM.
  • All vehicles must have a carpool tag or sticker displayed on their car at all times during pick up.
  • Parents will enter the parking lot from Joan of Arc Dr. only.
  • No cars for pickup may enter the parking lot from Denise Dr.
  • All cars will exit onto Joan of Arc Dr. after pickup.
  • parents in the parking lot prior to 3:15PM will form rows of ten cars starting with a row closest to the fence.
  • Staff will begin taking tag numbers at 3:00PM.
  • Students with an assigned cone number will exit the school building and go to a specific numbered cone. Parents will be directed to that cone to pick-up. Cones will be assigned to tag numbers beginning at 3:00PM.
  • At 3:25PM, all students without a specific cone assigned will be walked to the Community Center to wait in their color groups for their car to arrive for pick up.
  • Staff will call out the carpool numbers and cones for any students at the Community Center once those assigned cones have been entered.
  • Do not enter pick-up zone to go to your child’s assigned cone until directed by carpool coordinators.
  • Any student at the Community Center not picked up when carpool is ended will be walked to their grade level Bridges classroom.

Afternoon – Bridges

  • Bridges Students will remain in their classroom until dismissal is over.
  • Bridges teachers will escort Bridges students to their designated grade level room where they will remain until they are picked up by a parent.

Early Dismissal Days

  • On Early Dismissal Days (please click here to view the calendar) – the school day ends at 12:00PM.
  • Early Dismissal For Oldest / Only Pick-Up for PK3, PK4, and Kindergarten is at 11:40AM.
  • All other grades will have dismissal at 12:00PM.