Calendar Questions
Where can I find the school calendar?
The school calendars (both the online version, and the one-page printable version) can be found HERE.
What are the Early Dismissal days?
The early dismissal dates are listed on the one-page calendar as well as the online calendar, which has a special “Early Dismissal” calendar.
What are the start and end dates for each quarter?
The quarter term dates are listed on both the one-page calendar, and the online calendar.
What are the Classroom pickup dates, or what are the Full-Time Bridges Only dates?
The majority of dates during the school year are regular carpool dates. There are a few dates around the start of school, holidays, and the end of the year that are classroom pickup. They are noted on the online calendar. The classroom pickup dates and the Full-Time Bridges Only dates are listed on both the one-page calendar, and the online calendar.
What are the school day hours for arrival and dismissal times?
On regular dismissal days, the instructional day will be 7:55AM-3:25PM. On early dismissal days, the instructional day will be 7:55AM-12:00PM. More information on school hours, early dismissal hours, carpool times and procedures can be found either in the Family Handbook, and or on the school’s Calendar page and Carpool page.
Where can I find the latest Insider?
The email archive is where the school’s communication emails – the Insider, Insider Alerts, and others – can be found throughout the school year. They are listed in chronological order – with the most recent email being at the top of the archive.
If there is inclement weather and there is a school closure how are parents notified, and who do we follow for school closures?
In the event that severe or inclement weather is impending or immediate, St. Cecilia Catholic School will notify families of school closures via IRIS (Immediate Response Information System) alert. Families will receive a text, a call, and an email. Please consult the Family Handbook for additional information.
Where is the online directory located?
There is an online directory in FACTS ParentsWeb.
How do I check my student(s) grades?
There is an online gradebook for students in FACTS ParentsWeb.
Who do I contact regarding FACTS questions?
– For family data (contact information, etc.) please contact the Office of Community Engagement.
– For questions regarding student schedules and grades please contact John Aylor, Assistant Principal.
– For questions regarding tuition and online billing, please contact Business Manager, Mary Yokubaitis.
Forgotten Items and Lost and Found
My child forgot their _____. How do I get it to them?
All items such as books, homework, medications, and/or projects that have been forgotten by the student and brought in by a parent or guardian are to be dropped off at reception. Please consult the Family Handbook for additional information.
Where is the Lost and Found?
All lost and found items are kept in the Cafeteria hallway. Please consult the Family Handbook for additional information.
Scheduling Questions
How do I book an appointment with a teacher?
Please contact Adrianne Grobelny to book an appointment with a teacher.
How do I book an appointment with Mr. Matthews?
Please contact Adrianne Grobelny to schedule an appointment with Mr. Matthews.
How can I view my student’s schedule?
Individual student schedules can be found in FACTS ParentsWeb.
What is the lunch schedule for students?
The lunch schedule can be found online on the Cafeteria page.
Student Health and Wellness
Who do I contact if my student is sick?
Please contact our Clinic Nurse, Meredith Coursey, to report student absences. More information can also be found in the Family Handbook regarding student absences.
When can my student return to school after being out sick?
Please consult the Clinic page on the website, or the Family Handbook for guidelines regarding when students can return to school after being out sick.
All questions regarding medications, allergies, and health screening
Please consult the Clinic page on the website, or the Family Handbook for information on medications, or the Clinic page on the school website for more information regarding medications, allergies, & health screening. You can also contact our Clinic Nurse, Meredith Coursey, for more information.